Swift dates, switches and tuples
This app demonstrates a number of iOS techniques in Swift.
You can download the project from Github by clicking this link: DatesInSwift
It uses a date picker to let the user select a date. When the user taps the OK button, it displays a variety of messages depending on the date selected.
Extensions to NSDate
The program includes a file DateExtensions.swift that provides a number of useful utlities for working with dates.
Normally you can’t comare dates using ==, <, <=, >, or >=. The DateExtensions.swift extends NSDate to conform to the Equatable protocol, which allows the == comparison, and the Comparable protocol, which allows <, <=, >, or >= comparisions.
DateExtensions.swift defines a type alias mdyTuple
which is a tuple containing the month, day, and year value for a date.
There are utilities that will convert NDate objects back and forth to mdyTuple
The NSDate instance method mdy() returns an mdyTuple
The global function date(mdy: mdyTyple) takes an mdyTuple
as input and returns an NSDate.
It turns out that you can’t match tuple constants in the cases of a switch statement by default.
In order to do that you have to implement the ~=
(pattern match) operator for the tuple type.
For the mdyTuple type, the pattern match function looks like this:
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/** This function makes it possible to use mdyTuple constants or variables in the cases of switch statements. */ func ~=(a: mdyTuple, b: mdyTuple) -> Bool { return a.month ~= b.month && a.year ~= b.year && a.day ~= b.day } |
Exploring Swift switch statements
Swift has a very powerful version of the switch statement. You can match strings, you can match ranges of values, and you can match tuples.
The following a valid in Swift:
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let aString = "foo" switch aString { case "bar": println("matched 'bar'") case "foo": println("matched 'foo'") case "foobar": println("matched 'foobar'") default: println("Didn't match anything") } |
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let a = 10 switch a { case 1: //match a soingle value println("value = 1") case 3...5: //Match a range println("value \(a) is between 3 and 5") case 7...9: //match another range println("value \(a) is between 7 and 9") case 10: println("value == 10") case let value where value % 2 == 0: //wildcard match, boolean after "where" must be true println(""value \(a) is even") case _: //match anything default: println("value \(a) didn't match any of our cases") } |
But some of the real power of the Swift Switch statment comes in when you use tuples:
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typealias mixedTuple = (String, int, int) let aTuple: mixedTuple = ()"Bob", 1, 3) switch aTuple { case ("Bob", 1, 3): println("A perfect match") case ("Bob", 1, _): println("matched all but last value") case (_, 1, 3): println("Values match, name does not.") case ("Bob", let middleValue, 3): //Match on name and last value, //save middle value to a local constant. println("Name and last value match, middle value \(middleValue) does not") case (_, 0...10, 3) println("Any name, middle value in range 0...10, last value match.") default: println("No match.") } |
The DatesInSwift demo converts the user-selected date to an mdyTuple
, then uses it to demonstrate various types of switch cases.
First, define some constants:
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let bobsBirthday = (month: 11, day: 30, year: 1961) let janesBirthday = (month: 10, day: 14, year: 1987) let fredsBirthday = (month: 4, day: 3, year: 1973) let patsBirthday = (month: 7, day: 7, year: 1931) let susansBirthday = (month: 3, day: 8, year: 1933) |
Then do some setup:
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//Prefix will be used to build date sentences. //Is the user-selected date in the past, present, or future? let prefix: String //I compare the mdy tuples for the dates so I can ignore the time and just compare dates. if datePicker.date.mdy() == NSDate().mdy() { prefix = "is" } else if datePicker.date > NSDate() { prefix = "will be" } else { prefix = "was" } let todayMDY = NSDate().mdy() let theMDY = datePicker.date.mdy() let date = NSString(format: "%02d/%02d/%04d", theMDY.month, theMDY.day, theMDY.year) |
And finally the switch statement:
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//The cases are evaluated top-to-bottom. //The code of first match is executed, then processing stops. switch theMDY { case (3, 15, _): message = "Beware the Ides of March" case (fredsBirthday): message = "\(date) \(prefix) the day Fred was born" case (fredsBirthday.month, fredsBirthday.day, let year) where year > fredsBirthday.year: message = "\(date) \(prefix) Fred's \(possessiveNumber(theMDY.year - fredsBirthday.year)) birthday" case (janesBirthday): message = "\(date) \(prefix) the day Jane was born" case (janesBirthday.month, janesBirthday.day, let year) where year > janesBirthday.year: message = "\(date) \(prefix) Jane's \(possessiveNumber(year - janesBirthday.year)) birthday" case (bobsBirthday): message = "\(date) \(prefix) the day Bob was born" case (bobsBirthday.month, bobsBirthday.day, let year) where year > bobsBirthday.year: message = "\(date) \(prefix) Bob's \(possessiveNumber(year - bobsBirthday.year)) birthday" case (patsBirthday): message = "\(date) \(prefix) the day Pat was born" case (patsBirthday.month, patsBirthday.day, let year) where year > patsBirthday.year: message = "\(date) \(prefix) Pat's \(possessiveNumber(year - patsBirthday.year)) birthday" case (susansBirthday): message = "\(date) \(prefix) the day Susan was born" case (susansBirthday.month, susansBirthday.day, let year) where year > susansBirthday.year: message = "\(date) \(prefix) Susan \(possessiveNumber(year - susansBirthday.year)) birthday" //Match the month, day range 1...15, and copy the year to a constant. case (5, 1...15, let year): message = "\(date) \(prefix) in the first half of May, \(year)" case (5, 16...31, let year): message = "\(date) \(prefix) in the second half of May, \(year)" //Match the month, copy the day value to a constant, and match any year. case (2, let day, _) where day % 2 == 0: //The optional where clause is a boolean expression which must be true //for the case to match message = "\(date) \(prefix) an even day in February" case (2, let day, _) where day % 2 == 1: message = "\(date) \(prefix) an odd day in February" case todayMDY: message = "Today is \(date)" //Match Any day in april, any year. case (4, _, _): message = "April showers bring May flowers" default: message = "The selected date \(prefix) \(date)" } |